curated by the
iupui lgbtq+ Center
Hey there! Welcome to our mental health carrd.
Is there anything we can do to help you?
I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well.
How soon do you need to talk to someone?
Hotlines and more
Here's some hotlines you can use. Don't ever hesitate to call or chat one if you feel like you're at risk of hurting yourself, others, or getting hurt by someone else.
Suicide Prevention/
Crisis intervention
The Trevor Project: call 1-866-488-7386, text 678-678, or chat with someone online
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: call
1-800-273-8255 or chat with someone online
Crisis Text Line: text START to 741-741 or chat online
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline: call (888) 843-4564, chat, or email, as well as a local resource guide
The GLBT National Youth Talkline (youth serving youth through age 25): Call (800) 246-7743, chat, or email, as well as a local resource guide
Trans Lifeline: (877) 565-8860
A trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. Habla español.
Youth Information
The National Runaway Safeline: 800-RUNAWAY (800-786-2929)
Provides advice and assistance to runaways, including resources, shelter, transportation, assistance in finding counseling, and transitioning back to home life. NRS frontline staff will also act as advocates and mediators if/as needed.
The True Colors United: (212) 461-4401
The True Colors Fund is working to end homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth. True Colors United runs a database of service providers.
Self Abuse Finally Ends (S.A.F.E):
For individuals coping with non-suicidal self-injury, including locally-based information, support and therapy referrals.
AIDS in Prison Project Hotline: (718) 378-7022
Provides HIV/AIDS information for prisoners, and accepts collect calls. Habla español.
National AIDS Hotline:
(800) 342-AIDS
(800) 344-7432 (Español)
(800) 243-7889 (TDD)
U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline: Call (800) 799-7233 (English and Spanish) or (800) 787-3224 (TTY), or chat online. Confidential and free of cost, provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to enable victims to find safety and live lives free of abuse.
Pride Institute: (800) 547-7433
Chemical dependency/mental health referral and information hotline for the LGBTQ+ community.
Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): Call (800) 656-HOPE or (800) 810-7440 (TTY)
RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
Community Connect: Find free or reduced cost options for services like shelter, medical care, food, job training and more based on your zip code.
Did you find what you needed, or is there anything else we can help you find?
I'm good, thanks!
What else do you have?
Finding therapists
Guide on finding an affirming therapist
Gaylesta: The psychotherapist association for gender and sexual diversity
Open Path Collective: network of affordable, accepting therapists. Both in person and online services are available.
Better Help: affordable, 100% online therapy.
Psychology Today Therapist Directory:
General | Transgender specific
Did you find what you needed, or is there anything else we can help you find?
I'm good, thanks!
What else do you have?
We've got a big list of resources, as well as some things you can do right now to ground and/or distract yourself.
ADHD and Autism
Depression and Mood Disorders
Eating Disorders
Gender Dysphoria
Suicidal Ideation
CBT Workbook for Anxiety - free
Anxiety self help workbook - free
Alphabet of coping skills
Grounding techniques
Reducing anxiety over coming out
Dealing with intrusive thoughts
Anxiety and exhaustion
Sensory overload - explanation and tips
Anxiety coping skills and self help
Coping with anxiety: self help packet
Depression and Mood Disorders
Coping with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Free bipolar disorder workbook, information sheets and worksheets
Self help workbook for depression- free
Free depression workbook and pdfs
CBT for depression worksheets - includes Spanish versions - free
How gender dysphoria affects depression
Navigating negative thoughts with bipolar disorder
Managing depression on bad days
Dealing with depression when things go wrong
Eating Disorders
Getting yourself nutrition when you're really struggling
Dietary advice during recovery
Eating disorder recovery tips for LGBTQ+ individuals
ED coping skills toolbox - PDF slideshow
Eating disorder self-help tips
Free workbook for body dysmorphia
Binge eating workbook - free
Disordered eating workbooks and pdfs - free
Suicidal Ideation
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
How to Talk About Suicide and Get Help
Creating a safety plan, building a support network, and more
Coping with Suicidal Thoughts
If you are currently in crisis, call
1-800-273-8255 or chat with someone online via the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can find additional hotlines here
Did you find what you needed, or is there anything else we can help you find?
I'm good, thanks!
What else do you have?
Tip: right click on any of the gifs and open it in another tab to not be overwhelmed by the other gifs! :)
External Resources:
Personal tips from our trans staff
Wear some oversized, comfy clothes, or generally clothes that make you feel good.If you bind, make sure you aren't overbinding and take breaks.If you get dysphoric while in class, doodle or find something to fidget with to distract your mind.Do some grounding and/or breathing exercises. Also, go outside and get some fresh air.Say name and pronoun affirmations. Remind yourself that you are valid and loved as who you really are.Practice self care, in whatever way that looks for you; watching a favorite movie or cartoon, eating a certain snack, drinking hot tea, listening to music, etc.If you can, talk to a therapist! For help on finding an affirming therapist, click here.
Note: not all trans/nonbinary folks experience gender dysphoria, or experience it in the same way, so these tips may not work for everyone. Try out things and find out what makes you feel happiest.
Okay! Here's all of our pages, we hope you can find something that helps you.